A big thank you to all the users who provided feedback. We have addressed them all and have adjusted/corrected the questions as needed.
We hope that you notice the difference!
Please continue to provide feedback. It allows us to maintain this website to the highest standards.
We hope you are enjoying our new updated website.
We have added many new MCQ questions to the primary ACEM exam bank.
We would like to thank Dr Robert Buttner for his hardwork in creating these new questions.
Dear iMeducate subscribers:
A pharmacology data base has been created by Dr Rob Buttner.
It contains the drugs most commonly asked in VIVA and the relevant information about that drug
It is about 75% complete with the aim to finish the bank soon.
Good luck for the upcoming ACEM primary exam
A big thank you to all the subscribers that provided feedback.
All your questions have been addressed and amended where necessary.
We did not have chance to reply personally but please beware that we are grateful that you took the time to provide us with feedback and we thank you for your patience.
Over the next few months we will be adding more MCQs to the data base
iMeducate Team
Thank you to all our users for their patience
The iMeducate site was upgraded over the past week. Unfortunately during this process we encountered some unforeseen problems. They have been fixed.
We apologise for the inconvenience that it must have caused, but the upgrade was required.
iMeducate Team
New Anatomy MCQs have been added to the primary exam
New Toxicology and Paediatric MCQs have been added to the fellowship exam
Good luck to all members sitting the ACEM primary and fellowship exams and the AMC exam
iMeducate wishes you the best of luck
Godd luck to the AMC
New part one MCQs are being added to the bank.
In order to get as many as possible added to the site, some of the answers will not include explanations.
These will be added in due course.
New MCQS for the primary and fellowship exams will be added to the site over the coming months. In order to avoid lengthy delays, we will first be publishing the MCQ and its answer (but without the explanation). We will add the explanation in due course
We do not want to delay the addition of the question to the site because it does not have an explanation.
Well done to all the primary candidates who were invited to attend the integrated viva exam.
Great effort!!!!!
Good luck to the fellowship candidates who are waiting for their written results