Hey South African FCEMs, glad we could help!

Just received a great email from one of our South African FCEM trainees.  Congratulations to her on such a wonderful result! Glad we’re serving the global medical community!

“I subscribed to iMeducate earlier this year in order to prepare for the FCEM (SA) primaries. In South Africa, our exams consist of two written exams and an MCQ. The MCQ is always the dreaded component, as most people fail it. Having this knowledge, I searched for EM MCQs and happily found iMeducate, which I used to help me prepare.

Wrote the exam, and happy to say, I came first in the MCQ. Thanks a lot for your help, and for making this resource available! I have given the site details to another candidate writing next year, and will give it to others when I get the chance”.

V.S.  December 2012

Related posts:

Good Luck to Everybody!
New MCQs added to the ACEM Primary exam

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